Life decision #1: Texting people back. Or not.

Okay, maybe this seems a little more like an everyday decision, but I’m the one writing this. Back off.

First of all, let me start by saying it used to annoy the heck out of me when people wouldn’t text me back. And when I say ‘people,’ I mean the girls I was interested in. I don’t want to seem like a hypocrite. Truth is, this is kind of a new thing for me. And it’s freeing. The guy who got annoyed by people not texting back now sucks tremendously at texting people back. And he likes it.

The year: 2004. The place: a high school locker room.

“Dude! I got a phone!”

[shoves phone in friend’s face]

“That’s great, John. Have you tried texting?”

“No. I’ve heard about it though. Seems kind of pointless. Why wouldn’t I just call you?”

“Because it’s cool to text. Everybody’s doing it.”

[looks around to see if anyone’s paying attention] “Oh. Uh, how do you… uh… text?”

“It’s easy. You just choose someone to talk to, and type out a message. It’s like an email, only it has to be 160 characters or less. Just don’t text guys. That’s weird.”


Yes, I was fifteen when I got my first phone. And, yes, while others were discussing sex, drugs, and alcohol in the locker room, I was discussing the art of texting women. Although texting and alcohol might have more in common than you think. Join me on this thought journey:

Both are really dumb to do while driving. Nothing really needs to be said here. Too many deaths due to both already. JUST STOP.

It starts really innocent. Just a few among friends. –> Just a couple to get things going with someone you’re interested in. –> Oh. Now I’m in a group doing this. –> This is starting to get out of control. A few people are probably taking this a bit too far. –> Ok, they’re definitely taking this too far, and it’s kind of annoying. –> I’m taking this a bit too far and I’m kind of annoying.

Both can affect relationships negatively. After a while you start wondering things like, Would I be this funny without this? or Would I have said something that mean, normally? or Should I be doing this with someone more attractive than my significant other? or Is it normal for people to do this while in bed?

It takes over your life. A few while watching TV? Cool. One or two at the dinner table? Alright. Sneaking some in during class? Ehhhhh… While in the shower? Ok, I think there might have been a line back there that we crossed.

When you’ve had too much of it, you don’t really want to ever have that much again. At least that’s what I think happened with me and texting. Much like my friend who hasn’t had Mexican in over two years after a Cinco de Mayo tequila snafu, I’ve really just never wanted to text after texting so much my senior year of college. I had a long distance girlfriend with a horrendous schedule, so texting was the only way to communicate day to day. Since I was on my phone so much already, I’d strike up conversations with other friends. We’re talking about several hundred messages a day.

See? I mean, am I right or what? Texting is totally like alcohol. I’m a recovering textaholic. … Sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little. You’re right, I’m just trying to pretend that I was as badass as the other kids in the locker room by comparing what I did with the stuff they did. I was so innocent back then. Ha.

It ended up not being that hard of a decision to quit texting so much. After texting seemingly strained my last relationship (It ended with a phone call, not a text. Don’t judge me… too harshly.) and took over my life, I was glad to cut back. And I have no regrets about doing so.


So how did you like my first blog post? Text me!  -JK

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